Upon graduating from Medicine at the University of Otago, Dr Wang undertook ophthalmology training in New Zealand. Throughout training she has worked in both tertiary and rural hospitals and had comprehensive exposure to all aspects of ophthalmology. At the completion of her general ophthalmology training, Dr Wang undertook two further years of subspecialty fellowships in New Zealand, including a fellowship in Oculoplastic, Paediatric Ophthalmology and Neuro-ophthalmology, followed by a further year of fellowship in Oculoplastics and Medical retina. Dr Wang worked as an Oculoplastic and general ophthalmology consultant in New Zealand before moving to Brisbane in 2023.
In 2023, Dr Wang was awarded with the RANZCO travelling scholarship to complete a year of prestigious fellowship with Professor Timothy Sullivan, in Oculoplastics, Lacrimal and Orbital diseases in Brisbane. This world-renowned fellowship included clinical positions at the Royal Brisbane and Woman’s Hospital and the Queensland Children’s Hospital, and involved management of complex adult and paediatric oculoplastic conditions.
Dr Wang has presented at multiple conferences and been published in peer-reviewed journals in her area of subspecialities. She continues to be actively involved in research and publications in the field of Oculoplastics with Professor Sullivan. Her passion for evidence based care is demonstrated in her ongoing commitment to research and audits. This is also supported by her position as Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland, School of Medicine.