In this video, Dr Judy Ku explains the symptoms one can experience daily with pterygium from wateriness of the eyes to irritation, redness, and perpetual dryness.
Some patients don’t have a lot of symptoms and often say that the lesions have been around for a long time, whilst others notice an increase in irritation. They often feel as if they’ve got sand in the eye. Their eyes may become red from time to time and that might cause some social embarrassment. It can also cause some wateriness.
For some, it may be quite irritating if they spend a lot of time outdoors in a windy situation. They commonly find that their eyes feel dry and irritated, such that they need to use eyedrops or lubricating eyedrops on a frequent basis to relieve the symptoms. It is important to know that sometimes pterygium can actually be a precursor to what we call skin cancer of the surface of the eye. Therefore it’s important to have your eyes evaluated by your specialist to ensure that they’ve not got suspicious features. If they are suspicious, it’s a good idea to have a biopsy.
We’d like to invite you to book a consultation with us. It’s the only way that we can really assess the health of your eye and understand your condition and what we may need to do to get your eye health back to where it should be.
We look forward to meeting you where we can talk in person and discuss your condition in detail and talk through the options of getting you back on track with your eye health.