What are the differences between standard, lifestyle and laser cataract surgery?

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Dr Matthew Russell from OKKO Eye Specialist Centre explains the differences between the types of cataract surgery

We offer three types of cataract surgery. All involve removing your cataract.

One key difference between the types is how we remove the cataract.

Standard and lifestyle cataract surgery involves manual incisions and phacoemulsification. That is the process of emulsifying your cataract and removing it from your eye. With laser-assisted cataract surgery, we use a laser to assist us in making the incisions and phacoemulsification.

Another area of difference is what you can expect after the different types of cataract surgery.

With standard cataract surgery, you’ll still need your distance and reading glasses after the surgery. So if you have no concerns about your glasses, then standard cataract surgery will be right for you.

With lifestyle and laser cataract surgery, you can have reduced dependency on your distance glasses or your reading glasses. Suppose you’d prefer to wear glasses only for certain tasks. In that case, lifestyle or laser-assisted cataract surgery may suit you more.

If you want a reduced dependency on all types of glasses, you’ll want to learn about laser cataract surgery.

Finally, there is a difference in whether we enhance the final result. In standard and lifestyle cataract surgery, no enhancements are required. After cataract surgery, glasses will continue to correct your vision. After laser cataract surgery, however, we can offer you a laser enhancement if you need one.

If you’d like to know more about the services we offer to cataract patients in Brisbane, give us a call on 07 3063 8933. If you’d like to see if we can help you, book a consultation.