What is pterygium? What you need to know

In this video, Dr. Judy Ku details the symptoms of pterygium and explains which career choices can increase the likelihood of its occurrence

Pterygium – it’s a mouthful, but it’s also a condition that could mess with your vision. Let’s break down what this wing-shaped tissue is all about and why certain careers and activities might put you at risk.

What is pterygium exactly?

Imagine a wing-shaped growth sneaking over the front of your eye. It’s not the kind of thing you want hanging around, but sadly, it’s more common than you might think. You might notice a lesion chilling in the corner of your eye, moving from the white of your eye towards the center.

So, what’s causing this pesky growth? Blame it on the sun! Pterygium loves to show up after too much exposure to UV light. And if you’re living it up in sunny Australia, especially in Queensland, where the sun is relentless, you might want to take extra precautions.

But it’s not just the sun you need to watch out for. Certain jobs and hobbies can also increase your chances of getting pterygium. Think about truck drivers, outdoor workers, gardeners, surfers, and all you outdoor sport enthusiasts – you’re spending a lot of time soaking up those UV rays, aren’t you?

What symptoms should you be on the lookout for?

Well, if your eyes start feeling irritated, it might be time to pay attention. Over time, you might notice some redness creeping in. Your friends might even start commenting on your eyes, saying you look like you’ve had one too many late nights. But here’s the thing: if you ignore it and let that growth get too big, it could mess with your vision. And nobody wants blurred vision messing up their game.

So, what can you do to prevent this?

Wear those sunglasses like they’re going out of style! They’re not just a fashion statement; they’re your best defense against UV rays. And if your eyes are feeling dry and irritated, don’t hesitate to reach for those artificial tears and eye ointments. Your eyes will thank you later.

But what if it’s already too late, and you’ve got a pterygium crashing your eyeball party? Don’t panic – there’s hope. Schedule a consultation with your friendly neighborhood eye doctor. They’ll take a closer look at your eyes using a fancy tool called a slit lamp, and together, you can come up with a plan to kick that pterygium to the curb.

During your consultation, you’ll chat about your symptoms and discuss the best course of action. If that pterygium has overstayed its welcome, you might need to consider pterygium removal. It’s not as scary as it sounds – in fact, it’s a pretty common procedure that could save you from future vision problems.

So, what’s the bottom line? Don’t ignore the signs. If your eyes are feeling irritated or you notice a strange growth creeping in, don’t wait around. Book a consultation and take charge of your eye health. After all, clear vision is worth fighting for.